I've been making myself busy, while being at home so much lately, with lots of crafty and sewing makes and here's the latest - handmade lavender shoe freshener sachets to keep your shoes (and my OH's cycling shoes) smelling gorgeous and fresh!

These shoe sachets are simple and easy to make, with bicarbonate of soda acting as a natural shoe deodorizer and lavender giving a calming aroma.
You'll need:
- Fabric (scraps will do, or repurpose old clothing)
- Ribbon
- Thread
- Lavender (I used dried Yorkshire lavender from Lavender World UK)
- Bicarbonate of soda
And to make them:
Cut out the 4 pieces of fabric - 10cm x 17cm (this makes 8cm x 15cm sized sachets which fit perfectly in adult shoes, increase or decrease accordingly to fit your desired size).
Using a sewing machine or handstitch, sew the two sides and bottom with the right sides of the fabric together and using a 1cm seam allowance.
Turn out the fabric and press.
Cut a piece of ribbon 12cm long, fold in half and place the ends within the sachet on one side and pin in place to hold.
Fill the sachet with a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and lavender - I used about 1/3 bicarb and 2/3 lavender (you might want to mix them together first and pour in)
Stitch along the top to close the sachet.
....and there you have a pair of shoe fresheners, enjoy!